It's all about the hashtag!
50+ popular hashtags for educators.
For me, Twitter is a powerful educational tool, not only because it allows me to engage with like-minded professionals and expand my ever-growing PLN (Personal Learning Network), but also because it provides an opportunity for me to reflect and question my own teaching practice. However, with so many hashtags covering so many topics, where do you start. Here is my guide to some of the best Edu hashtags on the web:
Using the Hashtag
The hashtag (#) symbol is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created by Twitter users as a way to categorise messages.
You can use the hashtag symbol before a relevant keyword or phrase in your Tweet to categorise your Tweets and help the right people find your tweets more easily. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message also shows you all other Tweets marked with that keyword. Education examples:
Education technology: #edTech #eduTech
Education chat: #edChat #UKEdChat
For more help on using hashtags, visit the official twitter hashtag guide: Using hashtags on Twitter
General Edu Chats:
SLT / Leadership
Trainee Teachers
Student Leadership / Student TechSperts
Subject Specific chats:
Business Studies / Economics
Modern Foreign Languages
Physical Education
Religious Education
Further Education
Gifted & Talented
Education Technology
Teacher / Student well-being
Have I missed anything?
Send me a DM @clcsimon and I'll add it to the list.
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Using the Hashtag
The hashtag (#) symbol is used to mark keywords or topics in a Tweet. It was created by Twitter users as a way to categorise messages.
You can use the hashtag symbol before a relevant keyword or phrase in your Tweet to categorise your Tweets and help the right people find your tweets more easily. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message also shows you all other Tweets marked with that keyword. Education examples:
Education technology: #edTech #eduTech
Education chat: #edChat #UKEdChat
For more help on using hashtags, visit the official twitter hashtag guide: Using hashtags on Twitter
General Edu Chats:
- #AussieEd – #AussieEd is a weekly #edchat which unites educators from around the world to share best practice and explore the latest educational theories. It is hosted by Brett Salakas - @MRsalakas – Brett is a primary school teacher based in Australian educator and is passionately committed to turning educational theory into real classroom practice. Join Brett every Sunday, 8.30am AEST / 11.30 BST/10.30 GMT.
- #BETTChat – Every fortnight on a Tuesday at 4.30pm, educators from around the world get together to debate and discuss the most pressing matters in education today – Thursday 4.30-5.30pm GMT / 11.30am EDT / 11.30pm SGT.
- #DojoChat / #DojoChatEu / #DojoChatAnz – Moderated by Jenna Kleine (@jenna_kleine) – Community Marketing Manager at Class Dojo. DojoChat discusses topics such as how to use #edtech to support teaching & learning and classroom management. Join Jenna and her team of Class Dojo Ambassadors every Wednesday, 8.30pm GMT/BST.
- #Edchat - #Edchat is a weekly award winning Twitter conversation that any educator can join to discuss and learn about current teaching trends. Founded and hosted by Shelly Sanchez Terrell (@ShellTerrell), EdChat explores how to integrate technology, transform teaching & learning, and connect with inspiring educators worldwide. – Join #Edchat every Tuesday (Twice daily), 12pm ET/ 5pm GMT and 7pm ET/ 12am GMT.
- #EdShowChat – EdShowChat is a great place to discuss anything related to pedagogy and edtech. – Join #EdShowChat fortnightly Thursday, 4.45pm -5.30pm.
- #NT2t (New To Twitter chat) - #NT2t is an edchat session designed for teachers that are new to twitter. Supported by a plethora of experienced educators, #NT2t aims to help new tweachers to navigate the twitter-universe by recommending who to follow and how to tweet. #NT2t is also a great place for sharing best practice and exploring how to integrate technology to enhance teaching and learning. #NT2t is hosted by Julie Szaj (@shyj) – Join Julie for #NT2t every Saturday morning at 2pm GMT / 3pm BST.
- #PedagooFriday – Weekly slow chat where teachers share / discuss their best moments of the week. – Every Friday (All day)
- #PrimaryRocks – A twitter chat for all things primary – Every Monday, 7pm – 8pm GMT.
- #SatChat – General chat about education and leadership - Saturday, 7.30am ET.
- #SunChat – General chat about education - Sunday, 9am ET.
- #UkEdChat – UkEdChat is a weekly Twitter based discussion for educators, similar to #edchat but timed more convenient for UK based educators. Each week, a guest hosts discuss a variety of education related topics. – Thursday, 8-9pm GMT.
- #WhatIsSchool – WhatIsSchool is an award winning #edchat which provides teachers from around the globe a voice in shaping the future of education. WhatIsSchool is hosted by Craig Kemp (@mrkempnz) and Laura Hill (@CandyLandCaper) – both are passionate 21st century educators and a huge advocates for the use of Social Media to support teaching and learning. - Every Thursday evening (11pm GMT / 12pm BST).
- #AsiaED - AsiaEd is a regular slow chat designed to connect educators throughout Asia. Each week a new host will release a thought provoking question each day.
- #FutureEdChat - Hosted by Eoin Lenihan (@EoinLenihan), Paul Kesselring (@kesselring) and Jennifer Williams (@JenWilliamsEDU), FutureEdChat is a monthly Twitter chat hosted the first Sunday of every month (7pm GMT) designed to connect educators globally.
- #BehaviourChat - Weekly chat about behaviour and attendance. Every Monday, 8-8.30 pm GMT.
- #addcym – Welsh language education chat.
- #edchatie – Weekly edchat for Irish educators.
- #TwinklTeach - Fortnightly teacher led chat held on a Tuesday night (8-9pm GMT).
SLT / Leadership
- #SLTChat – Discussions about school leadership (Aimed at Senior Leaders/Managers) – Sunday, 8-8.30pm GMT.
Trainee Teachers
- #ITTchat – A weekly chat for anyone embarking on Initial Teacher Training – Wednesday, 7-8pm GMT.
- #PGCE - General hashtag for all things PGCE related.
- #NQTchat – Weekly #NQTchat for anyone entering teaching. Experienced professionals too – Wednesday, 8-9pm GMT.
Student Leadership / Student TechSperts
- #DLChat – #DLChat is a weekly edchat which celebrates student Digital Leaders. Hosted by the queen of #DLChat, Sheli Blackburn (@SheliBB), a plethora of Digital Leader evangelists discuss all things related to student Digital Leaders / student voice – Every Tuesday, 8-8.30pm GMT.
Subject Specific chats:
- #ArtsEd - General hashtag for all things Art related.
Business Studies / Economics
- #Ecbusteach - General hashtag for all things Business / Economics related.
- #CASchat – #CASchat is a weekly Twitter chat session for teachers to share ideas on teaching the new computing curriculum. Hosted each week by guest moderators, CASchat explores ways to deliver the new Computing Programme of Study – Tuesday, 8pm GMT.
- #CompEdUK - General hashtag used to discuss all things Computing.
- #EngChatUK & #LiteracyChat – English & literacy chat every Monday 8pm GMT.
- #EngChat - General hashtag for all things Business / Economics related.
- #GeographyTeacher - General hashtag for all things Geography related.
- #histedchat - Histedchat is a bi-weekly Twitter chat where history teachers can connect, share resources and exchange ideas - Every other Wednesday at 8:30pm 10:30am GMT.
- #HistoryTeacher - General hashtag for all things History related.
- #MathsChat – Maths related chat every Wednesday, 8pm GMT.
- #MathsCPDchat - Weekly Maths related chat every Tuesday, 7.00 pm GMT.
Modern Foreign Languages
- #mfltwitterati - Hashtag for sharing all things MFL related.
- #Langchat – General hashtag for language teachers.
- #MusEdChat - General hashtag for all things Music related.
Physical Education
- #PEGeeks - Hashtag for discussing the use of education technology in PE.
Religious Education
- #RETeacher - General hashtag for all things RE related.
- #ASEchat - #ASEchat is a weekly online science education discussion group conducted via twitter that takes place on Monday evenings from 8.00-9.00pm GMT.
- #SciChat - General hashtag for all things Science related.
- #PhysicsEd - General hashtag for all things Physics related.
Further Education
- #FEchat - General hashtag for all things FE related.
- #UKFEchat - Weekly edchat for FE teachers every Wednesday, 9-10 pm GMT.
- #STEM - General hashtag used for all things STEM related.
- #SENChat - #SENchat is a weekly chat about Special Education Needs. Run by Thomas Norman (@DJTom3) – Every Tuesday 8pm GMT.
- #SENexchange - Weekly micro chat (30mins) on everything related to Special Education Needs - Every Wednesday 8pm GMT.
- #spedchat – Weekly chat, every Tuesday night - 8:30 pm EST, for discussing all things special education needs related.
Gifted & Talented
- #GTChat - General hashtag used for discussing strategies for supporting G&T students.
Education Technology
- #EdTech - General hashtag used for discussing the use of technology in education.
- #eLearning - Hashtag for discussing eLearning.
- #GBL - General hashtag for Game Based Learning.
Teacher / Student well-being
- #Teacher5aday - General hashtag used for discussing teacher & student well-being.
- #TT - Teacher Tuesday: Hashtag for suggesting teachers to follow.
- #FFEd - Follow Friday Edu: Hashtag for recommending teachers to follow.
Have I missed anything?
Send me a DM @clcsimon and I'll add it to the list.
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