On Tuesday 25th August, a team of educators including myself (@clcsimon), Julie Szaj (@shyj), and David Pollard (@edchatirl) launched #NT2tEU (New teachers to Twitter - EU). #NT2tEU is based on the highly successful #NT2t hosted and founded by Julie Szaj but timed more convenient for EU based educators. For those new to the model, #NT2t (and #NT2tEU) is a platform designed to help new tweachers (Tweeting Teachers) to navigate the twitter-universe by recommending who to follow and how to tweet. However, don't get confused by the hashtag, #NT2t is suitable for both new and more experienced Twitter users and is also a great place for sharing best practice and exploring how to integrate technology to enhance teaching and learning. The topic for the inaugural #NT2tEU chat was "What’s the benefit of Twitter for teachers and how do you begin?". As you can imagine, their was a huge buzz around this topic with lots of helpful tips and advice being offered from experienced educational practitioners from around the globe! I have compiled a summary of some of the responses below: Before I summarise, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the following contributors (in no particular order) for suggesting the following tips: Gaz Needle @gazneedle, Joe White @jw_teach, Claire Bracher @cjabracher, Ines Bieler @seni_bl, Jenna Lucas @JennaLucas81, Gust Mees @knolinfos, Phil Ruse @wellsportsPhil, James Gibbons @ThatEdTechGuy, Ben Davies @b3ndavi3s, Kristine Osthoff @KristineAtKagan, Dennis Dill @DennisDill, Sarah Judd @SarahEJudd, Julie Smith @julnsmith, Gary King @Gary_S_King, Leah Sharp @Leah_Moo, Allison Hall @allisoncarlhall, Andy Colley @MrAColley, Simon Lewis @simonmlewis, Tim Head @MrHeadComputing, Mister Collard @mistercollard, Kulin Shah @nobleshah, Mike McSharry @mikemcsharry, Dane Bellenbach @BBDaneBell, Henry Penfold @penfoldno1, Elizabeth StJMagistra, Graham Andre @grahamandre, Mike Watson @WatsEd. Sorry if I’ve missed anyone out! Special thanks also goes to Julie Szaj @shyj and David Pollard @edchatirl without whom this chat would not have been possible. Sumnmary Q1. How does Twitter facilitate and enhance networking between educators? Twitter can:
Q2. How do you find other educators on Twitter? Who are your recommendations? Who to follow: Sway Grantham @SwayGrantham, Tim Head @MrHeadComputing, Miss Ord @OrdMiss, Rachel Jones @rlj1981, Rachel Orr @RachelOrr, Matthew Livermore @MrLivermore, Sarah Wright @Sarah__Wright, Mike Watson @WatsEd, Henry Penfold @penfoldno1, Emily Fewtrell @Computing_lass, Ben Davies @B3ndavi3s, Claire Bracher @cjabracher, Mark Anderson @ICTEvangelist, Jerry Blumengarten @cybraryman1, Mark Martin @urban_teacher, Alice Keeler @alicekeeler, Mark E. Weston @ShiftParadigm, Starr Sackstein @mssackstein, Nicholas A. Ferroni @NicholasFerroni, Rafranz Davis @RafranzDavis, Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar, @RusulAlrubail, Eric Sheninger @E_Sheninger, Ciara Brennan @PrimEdTeacher, Maggie Green, @MaggieMGreen, fboss @fboss, Fiona Farry @ffarry1, Sean Gallagher @sgpdst, Iseult Mangan @IseultMangan, Mags Amond @magsamond, Seomra Ranga @seomraranga, Mary Jo Bell @7MJB, B Yusuf @rondelle10_b, Laura Hill @CandyLandCaper, @MartynReah, differentiation @funASDteacher, Lynn McCann, Craig Kemp @mrkempnz, Julie Szaj @shyj, Brett Salakas @MRsalakas, Jenna Kleine @jenna_kleine. How to find other educators:
Q3. What advice do you have about what you should tweet?
Also check out this Great list from Elizabeth @StJMagistra courtesy of Vincent Day @VincentDay. Q4. What is a hashtag and how do you use them?
For more educational hashtags, see: 20 essential EDU hashtags for teachers Q6. Bonus question: What are your tips for gaining more followers?
Love this quote from Jonathan Bailey – “Not a race to gain followers. Jesus did okay; he only had 12! Seriously just share conversations and build relationships”. Hungry for more? Each week, a team of experienced educators, including a variety of influential guest hosts, will discuss topics such as how to get the most out of twitter and how to expand your PLN (Personal Learning Network). \ Next week's topic: "Twitter tips & tricks." Proposed questions: Q1: What is your best tip for managing personal and/or professional accounts on Twitter? Q2: What tips do you have for participating in/keeping track of multiple chats? Q3: What are your tips for getting around the 140 character limit? Q4: What are your favourite abbreviations and what are they used for? Q5: What are your tips for saving tweets? Q6. What are your best tips for using hashtags? Join us for #NT2tEU every Tuesday 9pm BST / 10pm CET / 3pm CET. Interested in hosting a future #NT2t? Please DM me: @clcsimon Further reading:
Twitter for Beginners page http://cybraryman.com/twitterforbeginners.html … Twitter Education Chats Schedule http://bit.ly/educhatcalendar ICTEvangelist - Twitter in the classroom - http://ictevangelist.com/twitter-in-the-classroom/ Comments are closed.
AuthorSimon Johnson Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert / MIE Trainer
Minecraft Cert. Educator / Global Mentor
CAS Master Teacher
Raspberry Pi Cert. Educator
Tickle Ambassador
April 2017
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