6/11/2013 Top 10 web 2.0 tools There is a wealth of free resources available online which can be used in the classroom. Below is a selection of my favourites.
5. Weebly Websites and Blogs are increasingly being used in education by teachers and students. Having a classroom website or blog can benefit everyone involved including the students, the teacher, and the parents. Classroom websites are great places to post news, pictures, homework instructions and teaching resources. Blogs can provide a communication tool that teachers can use with students to develop writing, share ideas and reflect on work being undertaken in the classroom. Free online tools such as 'Weebly' (www.weebly.com) allow teachers to create secure student blogs, or classroom websites, with little or no prior technical knowledge! For instructions on how to create a website or blog using weebly, click on the links below: how to create a blog how to create a website
10. Padlet Padlet - www.padlet.com - (formerly WallWisher) is a free online collaboration tool. Described as a virtual sheet of paper, Padlet allows you to share images, videos and documents on virtual post-it notes. How to use Padlet
Create a virtual timeline with Padlet.
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AuthorSimon Johnson Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert / MIE Trainer
Minecraft Cert. Educator / Global Mentor
CAS Master Teacher
Raspberry Pi Cert. Educator
Tickle Ambassador
April 2017
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